Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Wells Elementary School fourth-grade student Avery Loudon placed first in the elementary school category with her oil pastel piece titled “It Snowed!” in the annual Superintendent Holiday Card Contest.
 Wells Elementary School fourth-grade student Avery Loudon placed first in the elementary school category with her oil pastel piece titled “It Snowed!” in the annual Superintendent Holiday Card Contest.
Nov. 15, 2018—Students at Cypress Creek High School, Kahla Middle School and Wells Elementary School saw their card designs place first in the annual Superintendent Holiday Card Contest, as their designs were selected from more than 260 entries across every CFISD campus.
The superintendent and associate superintendents served as jurors for the contest, designating the top three honorees at each level and an additional 21 entries that were recognized as the Super’s Choice Awards.
In the elementary school category, Wells Elementary School fourth-grade student Avery Loudon placed first with her oil pastel piece titled “It Snowed!” Black Elementary School third-grade student Patricia Dipippo finished second and Sampson Elementary School fifth-grade student Julie Hepp placed third.
In the middle school category, Kahla Middle School eighth-grade student Bao Tran Hua Nguyen finished first with her mixed media piece titled “A Seat with a View.” Anthony Middle School eighth-grade student Tralonda Washington was the runner up and Spillane Middle School eighth-grade student Jacob Lemos placed third.
Kahla Middle School eighth-grade student Bao Tran Hua Nguyen finished first in the middle school category with her mixed media piece titled “A Seat with a View” in the annual Superintendent Holiday Card Contest.
Kahla Middle School eighth-grade student Bao Tran Hua Nguyen finished first in the middle school category with her mixed media piece titled “A Seat with a View” in the annual Superintendent Holiday Card Contest.
In the high school category, Cypress Creek High School junior Thavy Bou earned first place for her digital photography piece. Cypress Park High School sophomore Kyla Nguyen placed second and Cypress Falls High School senior Sabrina Lowe finished third.
The following students were selected for the Super’s Choice Awards:
  • Olivia Nguyen (Horne Elementary School), Aymeth Cordova(Emery Elementary School), Tasifa Jannat (Moore Elementary School), Alan Torres (Owens Elementary School), Kimberly Lam(Hancock Elementary School), Caroline Motley (Birkes Elementary School) and Sophia Guerrero (Keith Elementary School);
  • Tierra Cullivan (Salyards Middle School), Emily Hancock (Smith Middle School), Kolby Lawton (Salyards), Desiree Gonzalez (Dean Middle School), Alicia Fernandez (Salyards), Chelsea Dinh (Cook Middle School) and Mia Gonzalez (Kahla Middle School); and
  • Jessica Lan-Anh (Cypress Lakes High School), Nhi Nguyen(Cypress Park High School), Erika Noda (Bridgeland High School), Maryssa Best (Cypress Creek High School), Antonio Manriquez(Cypress Falls High School), Devin Higginbotham (Cypress Ridge High School) and Julissa Hernandez (Jersey Village High School).
Cypress Creek High School junior Thavy Bou earned first place in the high school category for her digital photography piece in the annual Superintendent Holiday Card Contest.
Cypress Creek High School junior Thavy Bou earned first place in the high school category for her digital photography piece in the annual Superintendent Holiday Card Contest.
The top three entries in each category, those selected for the Super’s Choice Awards and other designated designs will be on display throughout the halls of the Instructional Support Center (ISC) until Dec. 14.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Cypress Creek was one of three CFISD campuses to receive the Superintendent's Gold Incremental Growth Award. Mrs. Snokhaus was honored to accept the award on the behalf of Cypress Creek High School. The award, established in the 2015-16 school year, acknowledges campuses making incremental growth in three areas: the economically disadvantaged, African American, and Hispanic student groups in all content areas. The criteria for earning the award are more rigorous than state accountability calculations. As a Gold Award winner, Cy Creek staff and faculty will be treated to a luncheon.

Monday, November 5, 2018


Cypress Creek High School junior Sierah Haines holds the ornament she designed and created that was chosen to represent Texas District 126 and Rep. Kevin Roberts on the 2018 Christmas tree at the State Capitol. It will be on display from Nov. 29 to Jan. 2.
Cypress Creek High School junior Sierah Haines holds the ornament she designed and created that was chosen to represent Texas District 126 and Rep. Kevin Roberts on the 2018 Christmas tree at the State Capitol. It will be on display from Nov. 29 to Jan. 2.
By Kai Fortner Newby, Cypress Creek HS
Nov. 1, 2018—Sitting on a 23-foot Christmas tree in the House Chamber of the Texas Capitol during the holiday season will be a holiday ornament created by Cypress Creek High School junior Sierah Haines. Her artwork will represent Texas District 126 and Rep. Kevin Roberts.
Each year, one ornament from each of the 150 Texas House districts is chosen to help decorate the eye-opening, Texas-grown Christmas tree. Going into the tenth year, the project highlights advanced artistic skills from district constituents across the state.
In addition to the ornaments themselves on display, a picture and description of each will also be published in the House of Representatives’ 2018 ornament book.
Haines’ work presents a unique spin on the devastating effects of last year’s Hurricane Harvey, which is written alongside the ornament’s base. One side shows several outstretched hands reaching from the storm toward the sun’s rays. The other shows flowers in full bloom.
Sierah Haines’ ornament design features several outstretched hands reaching from the storm toward the sun’ rays, representing the Houston area and its recovery following Hurricane Harvey. The other side displays flowers in full bloom through the rain. The ornament will represent Texas District 126 on the 2018 Christmas tree on display at the State Capitol from Nov. 29 to Jan. 2.
Sierah Haines’ ornament design features several outstretched hands reaching from the storm toward the sun’ rays, representing the Houston area and its recovery following Hurricane Harvey. The other side displays flowers in full bloom through the rain. The ornament will represent Texas District 126 on the 2018 Christmas tree on display at the State Capitol from Nov. 29 to Jan. 2.
“It’s symbolizing hope,” Haines said. “Numerous colorful flowers grow despite the heavy rain.”
Haines, like many others in the Houston area – and District 126 specifically – saw the effects of the hurricane and record flooding that followed the storm. Moore Elementary School suffered significant damage, with the entire staff and student body being displaced for the 2017-2018 school year.
Her ornament also ties the area together through adversity, displayed through the hands and flowers.
“It represents the compassion and perseverance of the citizens of the 126th District during and after Hurricane Harvey,” Haines said.
All 150 ornaments will be on display during the holiday season, which runs from Nov. 29 to Jan. 2, in Austin. For those who have already viewed Haines’ artwork, including Cypress Creek Principal Vicki Snokhous, the reception has been nothing short of positive. Snokhous also gave praise to Angela Guy, Cypress Creek art teacher who helped guide Haines in producing the winning piece.
“It is absolutely beautiful,” Snokhous said.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Volleyball, Band, Choir and Orchestra Good News

The Cypress Creek Volleyball team has made the playoffs for the first time in five years.  Please congratulate Coach Smith and the volleyball girls.  They ended the season by beating Cy-Fair High School who until last night was undefeated in district.  #GreatestVolleyballTeamonEarth

The Cypress Creek Band has advanced to the area competition. They will be performing at 4:30pm  Saturday at Katy ISD’s Legacy Stadium.   There are 25 bands in Prelims and the top 10 will perform again that evening.  The top 5 bands from finals will advance to the State Marching Contest. Please congratulate Director Wood and the band students. #GreatestBandonEarth

Cypress Creek Choir had 23 members who were selected to TMEA Region or Honor Choir. Eight will be moving forward to PreArea.  Emily P. is ranked number  1 and Quinton P. is ranked second. Congratulate Director Paul, Emily, Quinton and the choir students! #GreatestChoironEarth

Cypress Creek Orchestra had five Creek students competed in the annual the TMEA Region 27 orchestra auditions last weekend. Congratulations to Quoc N.  and Donovin M. for making the all-region orchestra! The region orchestra concert will be held on Nov. 17th at Bridgeland High School. Congratulate Director Johnston and our students. #GreatestOrchestraonEarth

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Health Science students earn certifications

Practicum in Health Science students took either the Pharmacy Technician or Certified Nurse Assistant, CNA, certification exam last week. 

Eleven of the 13 senior students in Pharmacy Technician program took the ExCPT certification exam last week. Nine passed.
Five senior students took the CNA exam, 3 passed all portions. 

Congratulations to the following 9 students were successful in Pharmacy Tech.  
  • Britney Avellaneda
  • Alec Cuellar
  • Yu Hsuen (Jessica) Hu
  • Alan Nguyen Pham
  • Jason Pham 
  • Tiffany Pierre
  • Chalice Plata
  • Ekam Sharma
  • Jason Tran

The following 3 students passed the CNA exam. 
  • Amanda Billingsley
  • Mariryan McCraw
  • Diana Palacios  

The following 2 students passed the written portion of the CNA exam & will take the skills portion soon. 
  • Israel Robles
  • Joylene Makukutu

Destination Imagination

The X-Treme Team represented Texas and Cypress Creek High School last week at the Destination Imagination Global Finals Tournament in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Seniors Nathan Montgomery, Nathan Jeffcoat and Sara Metz, Junior Merrie Urban, Sophomore Hannah Cook, and Hamilton Middle School student Heath Urban placed 37th out of 88 teams in the Senior Level Improv challenge. The team also includes Sophomore Anna Urban. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Student turns up the heat in the Texas High School BBQ competition

David Reyes Rodriquez took first place in  March at the Hospitality Educators Association of Texas, HEAT, in the Interview category.

And most recently, this past weekend he competed in the Texas High school BBQ competition in Burnet, TX. There were 43 teams that competed from all over the state, and 41 of these teams consisted of 5 team members to cook and present their dishes. David competed SOLO, a one man team, preparing all 7 dishes. He placed in the top 20 in 5 of his dishes and took 2nd overall in ribs.

Academic UIL Results

Cypress Creek High School senior Samantha Billings and Cypress Woods High School sophomore Steven Cheng each won state championships in their respective events at the University Interscholastic League (UIL) 2018 Conference 6A Academic State Meet, held May 4-5 at the University of Texas.
Billings won feature writing in the journalism category, adding to the Region III-6A championship she claimed this spring as well.
“I am extremely proud of Sam. She works so hard in class, never complains, and never gives me excuses,” said Amanda Armour, Cypress Creek journalism teacher. “She is a no nonsense student who knows exactly what she wants to do with her life and consistently works to reach her goals.  There is no one more deserving of this honor.”
Cypress Creek High School senior Samantha Billings won first place in feature writing at the University Interscholastic League (UIL) 2018 Conference 6A Academic State Meet, held May 4-5 at the University of Texas.
Cypress Creek High School senior Samantha Billings won first place in feature writing at the University Interscholastic League (UIL) 2018 Conference 6A Academic State Meet, held May 4-5 at the University of Texas.
Cheng claimed the state championship in computer science as he tied for first place with Richardson High School’s James Rayman.
Cypress Woods also claimed three other top-three finishes at the state competition.
Seniors Spencer Norris and Krish Suchdev placed second and third, respectively, in computer applications.
In the computer science team category, Cypress Woods finished third. The team was comprised of Cheng, senior Meggie Cheng and juniors Sammy Armstrong and Anand Iyer.
The Cypress Woods High School computer science team placed third at the state competition. Team members, from left, are Anand Iyer, Sammy Armstrong, Steven Cheng and Meggie Cheng. Joining them with their trophy is Stacey Armstrong, Cypress Woods computer science teacher and UIL academic coordinator.
The Cypress Woods High School computer science team placed third at the state competition. Team members, from left, are Anand Iyer, Sammy Armstrong, Steven Cheng and Meggie Cheng. Joining them with their trophy is Stacey Armstrong, Cypress Woods computer science teacher and UIL academic coordinator.
“The Cy Woods UIL Academic Team finished strong with a ‘212’ showing at state,” said Stacey Armstrong, Cypress Woods computer science teacher and UIL academic coordinator. “All of these students worked very hard and did everything asked of them and more. Some move on to college and many get a chance to do this again next year. Great to see them wrap up the year with some hardware.”
The competition marked the first half of the academic state competition. The second half will take place at the University of Texas on May 21-22, when all speech and debate events will be held.
Cypress Woods High School seniors Krish Suchdev (left) and Spencer Norris both placed in the top three in computer applications at the University Interscholastic League (UIL) 2018 Conference 6A Academic State Meet. Norris finished second and Suchdev placed third.
Cypress Woods High School seniors Krish Suchdev (left) and Spencer Norris both placed in the top three in computer applications at the University Interscholastic League (UIL) 2018 Conference 6A Academic State Meet. Norris finished second and Suchdev placed third.

Friday, May 4, 2018


Congratulations to Brandon Tran and Sergio Reyes our 1st Place Winners of the Toyota Express Maintenance Contest. Brandon and Sergio finished first out twelve advance automotive teams with a time of 16 minutes and 5 seconds and a over all score of a 98%. Brandon Tran and Sergio Reyes won multiple prizes including a 2018 Toyota Corolla for Cy-Creeks Automotive Technology Shop. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Brandon Tran and Sergio Reyes for a job well done!!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

KPRC Scholarship awarded to Cy Creek Student

Congratulations Alan Pham winner of the KPRC Scholarship. to see the video of the presentation, click here.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

TSA Competition Results

Please join us in congratulating the TSA Organization of Cy Creek's state competitors, which competed at the Fort Worth Convention Center over the weekend!  With over 750 students, and well over 7,500 projects from across the state, the Cougars were well represented. Cy Creek had 12 first place projects, 10 second place projects, and 3 third place projects. 

In addition to getting first place with their projects, the following members also received BEST IN STATE recognition: 
  • Gavin Castro
  • Aiden Daily
  • Logan Garrett
  • Ethan Gibbs
  • Will Green
  • Lathan Proffitt
  • Jon Cruz
  • Richard Rollins
  • Jorge Salinas
  • Travis Stephenson
  • Brian Tran
  • Kevin Le
  • Ethan Hughes

Please congratulate them and any of the other following students who dedicated a great deal of time and effort to competing at the TSA State Competition: 

  • Evan Cook
  • Tiffany Huang
  • Jamil McDonald
  • Brett Robinson
  • Kayla Suanders
  • Fatima Garcia
  • Spencer Mear
  • Aurora Ruiz
  • Jackson King

Way to go Cy Creek TSA

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Academic UIL District Meet Results

Congratulations to our Academic UIL students who placed at our district meet last weekend. 

Computer Science
5th place (Team Effort by Alonso Munoz, Thien Phuong Nguyen, Lorna Sanders, and Kenneth Shepherd)

Calculator Applications
3rd place team
5th place Harry Dao
10th place Virginia Strickler
11th place Samhitha Bandi

Placed 4th as a team

Number Sense
Placed 4th as a team 
6th place Samhitha Bandi

Current Issues and Events
2nd place team and alternate - Juan Mendoza, Collin Goemmer, Elijah Ochoa and Ian Cook
4th place - Juan Mendoza 

Speech and Debate 
1st place overall team sweepstakes
LD Debate- 8th place Nick Bazan Quarters
CX Debate-2nd, 3rd and 5th place
Informative speaking- 3rd (Juan Mendoza), 4th (Collin Goemmer), and 6th (Ryed Qamar) place
Persuasive Speaking-4th (Nick Bazan) place
Poetry Interpretation-1st place (Nathan Nguyen) and Kayla Guillory Finalist
Prose Interpretation-3rd place (Aliyah Holmes)

Literary Criticism
7th place - Laura Beaty
9th place - Devon Cogswell

Ready Writing
3rd place - Wisdom Hodge 
6th  place - Sabrina Tabibian

2nd place District Champion Journalism

Feature Writing
1st place - Lydia Estepp
2nd place - Sam Billings

Headline Writing
1st place - Emma Ruggiero

News Writing
1st place -  Lydia Estepp 
3rd place - Sam Billings

9th place - Dylan Sharratt
Overall team 6th place

Monday, March 26, 2018


Congratulations to the Cy-Creek debate team for winning Overall Speech Team District Champion over the weekend at the UIL district tournament.

Some individual accolades are:
  • Nick Bazan 4th place in Persuasive Extemp and Quarters in Lincoln-Douglas Debate
  • Juan Mendoza 3rd Place in Informative Extemp and 4th place in Current issues and Events
  • Collin Goemmer 4th place Informative Extemp
  • Ryed Qamar 6th place Informative Extemp
  • Kayla Guillory Finalist in Poetry
  • Nathan Nguyen 1st place Poetry
  • Aliyah Holmes 3rd place in Prose

 And a final congrats to Juan Mendoza, Collin Goemmer, Elijah Ochoa and Ian Cook for placing as the second overall team in Current Issues and events!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Silvies Successful at Dance Competition

Super Proud of Silvies!!!!  First of 2 drill team contests under our belt…and some GREAT things are happening in SILVIE LAND:

2018 Northwest Houston Classic Regional Dance Team Competition
  • Grand Champion 2nd Runner Up Team
  • Grand Champion 1st Runner Up Officer
  • 2018 Champions Cup Top Scoring Team & Officer Line

Judges Award Team & Officers
  • Award of Excellence Team & Officer Line
  • Technique & Choreography Awards in both Team & Officer Routines
  • All soloist and Duets scored above 90

Soloist – Makenzie Shepherd, Jaden Chou, Cheyenne Czichos, Gracie Pickett, Jaden Sharp, Valerie Cavazos, Emily Fields, Rylee Jay, Zipporah Pinkney-Ware, Hayley Butler
Duets - Harris/Medina, Pinkney-Ware/Butler

Two soloist placed in top 20 out of 280 soloists:
  • Mackenzie Shepherd – 12th
  • Jaden Chou – 17th

Monday, January 29, 2018


On Friday, Brandon Tran and Sergio Reyes competed in the UTI Top Tech Challenge and came in 2nd place out of 60 teams and 120 students. They competed against students from different schools and districts around the area. As second place winners, each students received a $7,500 scholarship to UTI, a trophy, and a Snap-on toolbox with tools for the shop. Please congratulate these students!

Friday, January 26, 2018


Mrs. Crocker, Ms. O’Donnell, Mr. Jackson, Mrs. Chaikin and Ms. Guy are proud to announce several of our students were winners at the 2018 Regional Scholastic Art Contest. Please congratulate them when you see them!

2018 Regional Scholastic Art Contest
Gold Key Winners:           
Drawing and Illustration - Khai Nhan “The Shell”
Photography - Moneeza Hameed “Double Exposure”
            Hanniel Bless Wahing “Foggy Memories”

Silver Key Winners:
Painting – Tessa De La Fuente “Bassett”
Drawing and Illustration - Liana Amaya “Bottle of Daiz”
Comic Art - Emma Reyna “An Alternate World”
Photography - Ana Martinez “Ariel's Collection”
Digital Art - Johnson Nguyen “Discarded Scraps”

Honorable Mention:
Painting - Liana Amaya “Never Enough”
    Tessa De La Fuente “Happy pup”
Art Portfolio: Photography - Isabella Guillem “Horror”
Photography - Isabella Guillem “Obscurité”
                            Tyler Gill “MAGIC”

Digital Art - Brian Tran “Self Portrait” 

A. Martinez 
Emma R

H. Wahing

I. Guillem

J. Nguyen

Khai N. 

Liana A.

M. Hameed

Tessa D. 

B. Tran

Tyler G. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Congratulations to Cypress Creek High School Choir TMEA Area Candidates,  All State Treble Choir Member, Emily Pace,  and 1st Alternate to All-State Men’s Choir, Quinton Parmenter

Cypress Creek High School Choir TMEA All-State Area Candidates Nathan Montgomery, Tenor 2, Norman Devera, Tenor 1, Emily Pace, Soprano 1, and Quinton Parmenter, Bass 1, competed at the final round of the TMEA Area All-State auditions at The Woodlands HS against the top 20 students from over 90 high schools in Houston and the surrounding areas. These students competed in four rigorous auditions to qualify for the competition.

Emily Pace, freshman, earned and qualified for a top position in the TMEA All-State Treble Choir and Quinton Parmenter, Junior, qualified for 1st Alternate to Men’s All-State Choir. Annually, 70,000 students audition for this honor. All-State is highest honor a Texas Music Student can receive. This places All-State students in the top 2.5% of musicians in the state of Texas.

Emily Pace will attend the Texas Music Educators Association Convention, February 14-17, in San Antonio to perform in the All-State Treble Choir and attend College Night with over 100 Colleges and Universities from across the nation.

High school students selected to perform in the All-State concerts have competed through 4 auditions to qualify at the state level. All-State is the highest honor a Texas music student can receive. Students are selected through a process that begins with over 70,000 students from around the state vying for this honor to perform in one of 15 ensembles (bands, orchestras, and choirs). Texas Music Educators Association sponsors the Texas All-State competition. This competitive process begins throughout the state in auditions hosted by 33 TMEA Regions. Individual musicians perform selected music for a panel of judges who rank each instrument or voice part. From this ranking, a select group of musicians advances from their Region to compete against musicians from other areas in eight TMEA Area competitions. The highest-ranking musicians judged at the TMEA Area competitions qualify to perform in a TMEA All-State music group. Only the top 2.5% of musicians who initially audition become All-State musicians.

Congratulations on representing Cypress Creek with pride!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Please help me in congratulating Tessa De La Fuente on her artwork being awarded one of the High School Special Merit awards at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Art  Contest!! Way to go Tessa!!

High School Special Merit
Tessa De La Fuente
Grade 11, Age 16
Cypress Creek High School
Teacher: Angela Guy

Title: Life is better on the Farm

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Varsity Academic All District Tennis

Congratulations the the following Varsity Tennis players who had a GPA of 5.5 or higher during our Fall Tennis season and became members of 17-6A Academic All-District Tennis Team 2017.

John Akard
Rebecca Avant
Peyton Barcellona
Kaitlyn Clark
Bryant Hill
Kavya Manj Nair
Mark Mathews
Tristan Meadows
Max Miller
Austin Mireles
Lydia Mireles
Joanna Newton
Christian Ngo
Christine Nguyen
Parker Peterson
Paul Prim
Willow Schmeling
Kevin To
Nguyen Vu

Great job Varsity Tennis All-Academic players!